Mobile robotics

Curious and passionate about robotics, I’ve been involved in a number of innovative R&D projects.

I bring and implement concrete, reliable solutions to the challenges of mobile robotics in open environments.

Ecorobotix (2020-2022)

I’ve been working on Ecorobotix machines:

I was in charge of specifying and implementing the positioning software module for these machines.

The challenge was to develop a sensor fusion algorithm with the following characteristics:

Not only did my work meet all these requirements but it did so in robust way: during my last year at Ecorobotix, no bugs were reported related to this positioning software module.

AVO autonomous robot (source)
ARA ultra-high precision sprayer (source)

Tornado (2019)

I’ve been working on project Tornado for PerSyst team at Institut Pascal.

Using the robotics framework developed in-house in C++ under ROS, my mission was to enhance the EZ10 autonomous shuttle to demonstrate innovative functionalities in an urban environment:

EZ10 autonomous shuttle

Baudet-Rob (2018-2019)

Aroco is an autonomous off-road robotics platform developed by TSCF research unit at IRSTEA (now INRAE).

My work was to complete a long-term research project to provide the robot with a way to locate itself in an external environment using a panoramic radar:

At the end of my mission, the robot was able to successfully demonstrate:

Aroco autonomous robot (source)
Satellite view on the left / radar map on the right (images taken from the conference paper)